Ebenesarae - Song And Lyrics By John Jebaraj


Uploaded by @MassTamilpro

Singer: John Jebaraj

Lyric: John Jebaraj

Music: AR Frank

Category: Shorts Trending

Duration: 06:24 Min

Added On: 16, Feb 2025

People Likes: 31+

Ebenesarae Lyrics In English With Meaning


Naanum En Vitum En Vitar Anivarum

"I, My House, And All My People"

Oyamal Nanjhi Solvom

"Will Always Declare Without Fail"

Naanum En Vitum En Vitar Anivarum

"I, My House, And All My People"

Oyamal Nanjhi Solvom

"Will Always Declare Without Fail"

Oru Karu Pola Katire Nanjhi

"Like A Child In The Womb, You Protect Me, Lord"

Ennai Chityamal Sumantire Nanjhi

"You Carry Me Without Letting Me Fall, Lord"

Oru Karu Pola Katire Nanjhi

"Like A Child In The Womb, You Protect Me, Lord"

Ennai Chityamal Sumantire Nanjhi

"You Carry Me Without Letting Me Fall, Lord"


Epinesare Epinesare

"Oh Ebenezer, Oh Ebenezer"

Innal Varai Sumandavare

"You Have Carried Me Until Now"

Epinesare Epinesare

"Oh Ebenezer, Oh Ebenezer"

En Ninaiwai Iruppavare

"You Remain In My Thoughts Always"


Nanjhi Nanjhi Nanjhi

"Oh Lord, Lord, Lord"

Idayatil Sumantire Nanjhi

"You Carry Me In Your Heart, Lord"

Nanjhi Nanjhi Nanjhi

"Oh Lord, Lord, Lord"

Karu Pola Sumantire Nanjhi

"You Carry Me Like An Unborn Child, Lord"

Onjaume Illaamal Tuangina En Valveu

"My Life Sleeps Without Any Worries"

Nanmaiyal Niraindhllde

"Because It Is Filled With Your Goodness"

Onjaume Illaamal Tuangina En Valveu

"My Life Sleeps Without Any Worries"

Nanmaiyal Niraindhllde

"Because It Is Filled With Your Goodness"

Oru Timis Ninnaikkadha Nall

"Not Even For A Moment Have You Forgotten Me"

Oru Takhappan Ummaippol Illa

"There Is No Father Like You"

Oru Timis Ninnaikkadha Nall

"Not Even For A Moment Have You Forgotten Me"

Oru Takhappan Ummaippol Illa

"There Is No Father Like You"

(Repeat Chorus)

Anchanoaikana En Devis Yaves

"The Lord Of Hosts Is My God"

Umm Garam Nalgiyate

"He Has Given Me His Strength"

Anchanoaikana En Devis Yaves

"The Lord Of Hosts Is My God"

Umm Garam Nalgiyate

"He Has Given Me His Strength"

Neer Nattit Vitangal Solla

"You Have Planted Promises For Me"

Pooran Vartaiye Illa

"And None Of Them Have Failed"

Neer Nattit Vitangal Solla

"You Have Planted Promises For Me"

(Oru) Pooran Vartaiye Illa

"And Not A Single One Has Failed"

(Repeat Chorus)

Gyanis Mathil Pathum Ennes

"The Wise May Look Down Upon Me"

Anoaittatu Atikayme

"But I Will Still Stand Firm"

Naan Idaskana Batran All

"I Am Not A Lost Traveler"

Idhu Kirupie Veronem Illa

"This Is Only By Grace, Nothing Else"

Naan Idaskana Batran All

"I Am Not A Lost Traveler"

Idhu Kirupie Veronem Illa

"This Is Only By Grace, Nothing Else"

(Repeat Chorus Till End)