Kodava Wedding - By Sanjith Hegde (Form Bromance'')

Kodava Wedding

Uploaded by @MassTamilpro

Singer: Sanjith Hegde

Lyric: Kiran Kaverappa

Music: Govind Vasantha

Album/Movie: Bromance (2025)

Duration: 03:49 Min

Added On: 17, Feb 2025

People Likes: 310+

Kodava Wedding Song Lyrics English Meaning

Gouji Raa Mangalaaaa…

"Celebrate, Oh Mangala!"

Boji Raa Mangalaaaa …

"Rejoice, Oh Mangala!"

Aat Paat Ra Paipoti

"Dance And Sing With Full Energy!"

Akkale Chaayi Paarty

"The Tea Party Is Happening Over There!"

Ellaru Koodi Aadana

"Everyone Is Coming Together To Dance!"

O Baari Oorkara Naadkara

"Oh, People Of This Land, Come Join The Celebration!"

Baindhavi Ningak Thakkkara

"Baindhavi Is Here To Amaze You!"

E Mangala Kadiyathnaadraa

"This Grand Festival Will Be Unforgettable!"

Nuppathanji Naad…. Pannerandkomb Ra ….dyaavanele

"The Drums Beat Loud… As Twelve Warriors March Ahead!"

Yaalamale Pommaale Kodag Ee …chaayinele

"With Pride And Honor, We Raise Our Traditions High!"

Ee Kodhira …yaalamale

"This Horse Gallops With Pride!"

E Kodhira …yaalamale

"This Horse Gallops With Pride!"

Kundhlind Kaati Nari Kyaama

"The Cunning Fox Is Spotted Near The Hilltop!"

Bollekall Ke Chokkye Pochi Choma

"Under The Bolekallu Stone, The Warriors Gather!"

Komb Kott Valagakaara

"The Horns Sound Loud, Calling The Strong Ones!"

Urpeeth Podithatt Baara

"Come Forward, The Battlefield Awaits You!"

Aat Paat Ra Paipoti

"Dance And Sing With Full Energy!"

Akkale Chaayi Paarty

"The Tea Party Is Happening Over There!"

Ellaru Koodi Aadana

"Everyone Is Coming Together To Dance!"

O Baari Oorkara Naadkara

"Oh, People Of This Land, Come Join The Celebration!"

Baindhavi Ningak Thakkkara

"Baindhavi Is Here To Amaze You!"

E Mangala Kadiyathnaadraa

"This Grand Festival Will Be Unforgettable!"

Baalo Baalo Nangada Deva

"Glory To Our Mighty God!"

Deva Baalo Maadeva

"Hail Lord Mahadeva!"

Devi Baalo Maadevi

"Hail The Great Goddess!"

Patto Baalo Sooriya

"Glory To The Blazing Sun!"

Kooda Baalo Channoora

"Praise The Mighty Warriors!"

Bhoomi Baalo Jabbhoomi

"Honor The Land That Raised Us!"

Kanni Baalo Kaveri

"Bless The Sacred River Kaveri!"

Poliye Baa

"Come Forward With Strength!"

Poli Poliye Baa …devaa !

"Step Up Boldly, Oh Divine One!"

Poliye Baa

"Come Forward With Strength!"

Poli Poliye Baa …devaa !

"Step Up Boldly, Oh Divine One!"

Dhudi Kotti Paat

"Let The Drums Beat, Let The Songs Begin!"

Paat K Sari Aat

"Sing Along, Dance With Spirit!"

Nangake Sari Saatiye

"This Is The Tradition Of Our People!"

Nanga Kodavaa

"We Are The Kodavas!"

Dhudi Kotti Paat

"Let The Drums Beat, Let The Songs Begin!"

Paat K Sari Aaat

"Sing Along, Dance With Spirit!"

Ulagakkella Kaatana

"Let The Whole World Witness Our Power!"

Nanga Kodavaa

"We Are The Kodavas!"


Mandh Maanil Koodana

"Let The Warriors Gather In The Great Land!"

Gurukaaranaana Kodavaamena …kondaadanaa

"The Kodava Clan Celebrates Its Brave Ancestors!"

Mangalaadith Bandantha

"A Grand Festival Has Begun!"

Bendukellarkoo Thakkara Baindhavi Naa

"Baindhavi Shines Among The Warriors!"

Baindhavi Ellarkoo Thakkaara

"Baindhavi Amazes Everyone!"

Bolkaat Neenaad Ummathaat

"Let The Fierce Dance Begin!"

Kombaat Neenaad Kathi Aat

"Let The Warriors Raise Their Swords!"

Komb Kott Valagakaara

"The Sound Of Horns Calls The Brave!"

Urpeeth Podithatt Baara

"Come Forth, The Battlefield Awaits!"

Aat Paat Ra Paipoti

"Dance And Sing With Full Energy!"

Akkale Chaayi Paarty

"The Tea Party Is Happening Over There!"

Ellaru Koodi Aadana

"Everyone Is Coming Together To Dance!"

O Baari Oorkara Naadkara

"Oh, People Of This Land, Come Join The Celebration!"

Baindhavi Ningak Thakkkara

"Baindhavi Is Here To Amaze You!"

E Mangala Kadiyathnaadraa

"This Grand Festival Will Be Unforgettable!"

Idh Kodavaame

"This Is The Land Of Kodavas!"

Ideera Kodavaame

"This Is Our Proud Kodava Heritage!"

Idhe Kodavaame Ra

"This Is The Spirit Of Kodavas!"

Nanga Kodavaa

"We Are The Kodavas!" (Repeated)

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